→ Статья въ газетѣ "Сельскiй Вѣстникъ" № 8 отъ 22 февраля 1898 г.
→ Воспоминания потомков. Часть I - "Между Бугoм... и истиной"
80 Jahre Umsiedlung der sogenannten
Bughollander aus Wolhynien/Polesien 1939-1940
1617 - 1940
The Hollanders — in Grodno state the descendants of the Dutch are known under this name, who settled the area, most likely, in the XIII century. At present, in Brest region, there are only 2 of their colonies near the town of Vlodava called Neubrov and Neudorf. The population of them forgot their native language and speak the local dialect with the mixture of Polish words.
Encyclopedic dictionary, volume IX, St. Petersburg, 1898
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